The Colosseum

Chiamato dagli antichi Romani, “Anphitheatrum Flavlum” (Anfiteatro Flavio), il Colosseo è il più famoso e imponente monumento della Roma Antica, nonchè il più grande anfiteatro del mondo.

Il nome è sicuramente legato alle grandi dimensioni dell’edificio ma deriva, soprattutto, dal fatto che nelle vicinanze era presente una statua colossale di Nerone in bronzo.

Called by the ancient Romans, “Anphitheatrum Flavlum” (Flavian Amphitheatre), the Colosseum is the most famous and impressive monument of ancient Rome, as well as the largest amphitheater in the world.

The name is undoubtedly linked to the large size of the building but derives above all from the fact that nearby there was a colossal statue of Nero and bronze.

In 1990, the Colosseum, along with all the historical center of Rome, the Vatican extraterritorial zones in Italy and the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, while in July 2007 was included among the New seven Wonders of the World.
The Colosseum is open to the public almost every day , except December 25 and January 1, with a time ranging from 9 in the morning to the afternoon – evening ( 17 in winter, 19:30 in summer) .

Sometimes, they are also open to visitors on the third ring and the underground and in the summer , on some days of the week, You can visit the Flavian Amphitheatre even at night.

The entrance fee is valid for 2 days and allows igresso also to the Roman Forum and the Palatine.

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